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Save on your health insurance premiums

Health costs are rising steadily, and so are premiums. Sympany offers you many ways to keep your own premiums as low as possible.

This is how you can save on premiums

Adjust your policy

The deductible has the greatest effect on the premium amount. But even small changes can have a big impact.

The franchise is the amount that you have to pay from your own pocket for your healthcare every year. The health insurance pays 90% of the expenditure above this amount, while your excess is 10%. The excess is prescribed by law and is up to CHF 700 per year for adults or CHF 350 per year for children.

Insured persons residing in Switzerland:
You choose your own franchise. The rule is: the higher the franchise, the lower the premium. Our tip: choose a franchise that you can easily pay at any time together with the excess. Change franchise >

Reaching the age of majority: at the age of 18 (or rather from 1 January of the year in which you turn 19), a franchise must be chosen for the first time. For your next policy, we apply the statutory standard franchise of CHF 300. You are welcome to inform us of a higher optional franchise by 31 December and thus save on premiums.

You have a choice of the following franchises:

300 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
0 200 400 600    

Change franchise >

For persons resident in Switzerland, Sympany offers five alternative insurance models for basic health insurance. In the case of these Managed Care models, always get in touch with a pre-determined contact first when you’re ill, for example a pharmacist, your family doctor, the HMO practice or the Medgate telemedical centre.
How premium-saving models work >

If you choose a Managed Care model, you will receive a discount so that you pay much less in premiums than for the free choice of doctor model:

Switch insurance models >

Examples for discounts of alternative insurance models >

If you work for an employer for at least eight hours per week, you can exclude accident cover from your policy. This reduces your premiums by up to 7%. You are insured by your employer for work-related and non-work-related accidents.

If you undertake military, civilian, Red Cross or civil defence service for 60 or more consecutive days, you will be covered against illness and accidents under military insurance and can suspend your basic insurance. You do not pay any premiums during this time. All information on military service and health insurance >

Take advantage of discounts

Benefit from discounts for multi-year contracts and for semi-annual or annual premium payments.

Sympany awards a discount to customers who pay their yearly or six-monthly premium in advance. Customers enjoy a 2% discount when paying yearly and a 1% discount when paying every six months.

If you pay your yearly or six-monthly premium in advance, Sympany can reduce the processing time and save on administrative costs. We pass this saving directly onto you as a discount.

Please contact our Customer Services if you would like to receive a discount by paying your premium on a yearly or six-monthly basis in future.

Enjoy a 10% discount on outpatient* and supplementary hospital insurance* when you take out a three-year insurance policy. Valid for new policies and when switching to a model with higher insurance cover.

* Excludes plus natura, premium natura and hospita private.

Financial support from your canton

Premium reduction

Do you live in modest economic circumstances? You may be entitled to a reduction in your health insurance premiums in your canton of residence.

Read more

Children’s discount and young adult’s discount on basic insurance

Young people pay lower premiums than adults for basic health insurance. All health insurance companies in Switzerland offer the children's discount - the amount, however, differs depending on the health insurance company and premium region. The youth discount is voluntary - not all health insurance companies in Switzerland offer it. Sympany grants the following discounts - automatically and without an application:

  • Children’s discount (for children and young people up to and including 18 years*): 72% to 77%.
  • Young adult’s discount (for young adults from 19 up to and including 25 years*): 25%.

* These discounts cease to apply as of 1 January of the calendar year following the 18th/25th birthday.

Premium calculator health insurance