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Everything under control with the customer portal

Online services in mySympany

Change personal data and payment details, view documents, submit invoices and write securely encrypted messages. All in one place. As an app or in the browser.

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Change & notify

  • Change your personal data
    Name, address, phone or e-mail

  • Change your payment information
    Account number, payment options and frequency

  • Switch your medical centre
    casamed family doctor and casamed hmo

  • Change your franchise
    Reduce or increase

  • Change your accident cover
    Include or exclude accident from your basic insurance

  • Report an accident or claim
    Personal, dental, vehicle or household contents accident

  • Switch your insurance model
    Choose a different basic insurance

  • Submit invoices
    This is how it works

  • Split your insurance policies

Health services

  • Find a partner pharmacy
    casamed pharm (in German)

  • Find a therapist or a method
    Alternative medicine

  • Find a psychotherapist (Psyfinder)
    covered by basic insurance

  • Skin check
    Assess skin problems online

  • Medical advice around the clock
    Medgate, eedoctors and other contact points

  • 24-hour emergency helpline
    In case of illness or accident abroad

  • Sports contribution
    Recognised types of sport, fitness centres, courses – and cost coverage

  • Treatment in Germany
    Cross-border co-operation BS/BL and Lörrach

  • Health tips
    Migraines, nutrition, sun allergy…

Downloads & lists

  • General terms and conditions of insurance (GTC)

  • Applications and PDF forms
    E.g. power of attorney, direct debit

  • Brochures
    On products and for parents-to-be

  • Overview of benefits
    What does Sympany pay?

  • Lists
    E.g. alternative therapies, hospital lists, lidos

The Sympany insurance basics

No more confusing details. Here are clear answers to the most important questions about your compulsory basic health insurance and your supplementary insurance.

Premium calculator health insurance