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Information about your supplementary outpatient insurance

General supplement and private supplement

Your general supplement or private supplement supplementary outpatient insurance is no longer being offered for sale. You can, of course, choose to continue to be covered by this insurance. However, by law (Article 156 of the Ordinance on the Swiss Insurance Oversight Act) you have the right to switch to a comparable supplementary outpatient insurance policy from Sympany that is still available to purchase: from the general supplement you can switch to plus, or from the private supplement you can switch to premium.

Switching to plus or premium insurance is optional. Below you will find answers to some of the questions you may have.


As in any other industry, insurance providers are constantly developing new products. The older ones are then taken off the market, though of course they can still be used. In such cases, policyholders are entitled by law (Article 156 of the Ordinance on the Swiss Insurance Oversight Act) to take out insurance under a policy that is still being offered for sale and that is the closest possible equivalent to their current policy.

The law (Article 156 of the Ordinance on the Swiss Insurance Oversight Act) requires that we offer you the closest possible equivalent insurance policy. The benefits offered by plus or premium supplementary outpatient insurance are comparable, but they can vary in terms of their scope. We have adjusted some benefits in the interests of our customers and some of these changes will be to your advantage. Others will now be less extensive than before in order to keep your policy at an affordable level.

Comparison of the benefits of general supplement and plus insurance policies (PDF, 18 KB) >

Comparison of the benefits of private supplement and premium insurance policies (PDF, 18 KB) >

More detailed information can be found in the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and in the Special Terms and Conditions.

GTC: common provisions for Sympany's supplementary insurances

BB general supplement and private supplement

BB plus and premium

There is no time limit on the right of transfer.

The deadline for the transfer with premium credit has expired.

The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) approves the premiums some time around October. Until then, we do not know whether your premiums will change or not.

You can choose to switch from the general supplement to plus or from the private supplement to premium at any time. Please feel free to ask us about premiums in the autumn and make your decision then.

If you would like to switch to plus or premium supplementary outpatient insurance, please contact our Customer Services team. You will then receive an application without a health declaration: general supplement will be replaced by plus and private supplement will be replaced by premium. The switchover will take place on 1 January of the following year.

If you would prefer to stick with your general supplement or private supplement supplementary outpatient insurance, you do not need to do anything. You will then continue to enjoy your usual insurance cover.