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Lose weight with intermittent fasting – for a healthy diet

The advantages of intermittent fasting for body weight and the ageing process are scientifically proven. Find out how the popular fasting method works.

What is intermittent fasting and how does it work?

Intermittent fasting is a method of diet in which you switch between phases of fasting and eating. The focus here is not on what you eat but when you eat it.

What’s behind it? The body normally draws its energy from the carbohydrates that we absorb through our food. In intermittent fasting, the carbohydrate reserves in the body start to decline after 10 to 12 hours. As a result, it starts to access stored fat reserves in order to obtain energy. Intermittent fasting can therefore help with weight loss, as the body burns fat to cover the energy requirements.

Intermittent fasting can also regulate the insulin level, improve metabolism and reduce inflammations. However, it is important that you maintain a balanced diet during the eating phases and drink enough fluids to supply your body with the necessary nutrients.

Which intermittent fasting methods exist?

The advantage of losing weight with intermittent fasting is that there is not just one predefined approach to fasting which you have to adapt yourself and your habits to. Instead, various nutritional approaches exist which differ with regard to the duration of fasting as well as the eating time frames.

With this method, you fast every day for 16 hours and eat in a time frame of 8 hours. For example, you could leave out breakfast and have your first meal of the day at lunchtime. You then have 8 hours’ time to accommodate further meals in your eating plan. After this, you fast again for 16 hours until lunchtime.

With this type of diet, you eat normally on five days in the week and reduce your calorie intake on two non-consecutive days to around 500 to 600 calories. For example, you can eat normally from Monday to Wednesday, then on Thursday your diet is calorie-restricted; on Friday and Saturday you eat normally and on Sunday you fast.

This method is based on complete fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. For example, you start fasting after your evening meal on one day and only eat again in the evening of the next day.

With this method, fasting days alternate with days on which you eat normally. On the fasting days, you either reduce calorie intake to 500 to 600 calories or fast completely.

This form of diet comprises a fasting phase of 20 hours and an eating time frame of 4 hours. During the fasting phase, you only consume small quantities of raw fruit and vegetables or light snacks. The main meal is consumed during the eating time frame.

Which intermittent fasting method is the best?

There is no general answer to this, as the methods are not equally suitable for all bodies. The choice of diet depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, state of health and goals. Each body reacts differently to the various fasting patterns, so it is important to find the method of losing weight that best suits your respective situation.

For example, many people prefer the 16:8 method as it is relatively flexible and can be easily integrated into the daily routine. Others find the 5:2 diet effective, where they consume a reduced amount of calories on two days a week. Yet others value longer periods of fasting such as eat-stop-eat or alternate day fasting.

Try out which diet suits your body

It is important that the method of diet you choose suits your individual lifestyle well and can be implemented in the long term. The individual reaction of the body should therefore definitely be taken into account. People have various different basic requirements – whether it’s about their health situation or the demands of their everyday lives.

Experiment with the various different intermittent fasting methods and then choose the one that best suits you and feels right and proper for your body. It can also be helpful to consult a doctor or a nutrition expert to take into account individual needs and any possible health restrictions.

What are the health advantages of intermittent fasting in diet?

Intermittent fasting brings you certain potential health benefits. These include losing weight and improving metabolism, including insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent nutrition can reduce inflammation in the body and support protection against chronic illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

In addition, intermittent fasting can also improve mental clarity and concentration, promote autophagy and slow down the ageing process.

Autophagy is a cellular process in which damaged components of cells are broken down and recycled. It plays an important role in the balance of physiological bodily functions, the removal of toxins and protection against inflammations. It is also associated with protection against particular diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative illnesses and age-related diseases.

Intermittent fasting can positively influence the metabolism by improving fat burning and insulin sensitivity. Promoting autophagy can also lead to an improved functioning of the cells and better metabolic health in the body.

Some people should be cautious with this form of diet or avoid intermittent fasting altogether. These include pregnant or breastfeeding women, persons with eating disorders, type 1 diabetes, low BMI or persons who have to take medication regularly. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting with intermittent fasting.

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